ATF Athletix Rules & Regulation

  • All appropriate forms and waivers must be reviewed and signed by participants(athletes) or guardian (for participants under the age of 18) before training.
    1. All appropriate forms/waivers must be appropriately filled, signed, and submitted by participant or guardian prior to training session(s).
    2. All payments must also be submitted prior to training session(s) unless an agreement has been reached between all appropriate parties with ATF Athletix LLC.
  • We ask if a participant is ill or any member of the participants household has been feeling any cold and/or flu like symptoms, please stay home.
    1. If the participant or household member has recently been tested positive for covid-19, please stay home.
    2. If the participant or household member has been exposed to anyone with covid-19, please stay home.
  • All participants are advised to arrive 10-15 minutes prior to their booked training time
  • Only guarantee of session(s) must be agreed upon between ATF Athletix and Athlete or guardian.
    1. Registration or verbal agreement from non-ATF Athletix staff does not guarantee you a training session(s).
  • No unauthorized food or drinks
    1. No gum
    2. Absolutely no alcohol
    3. Personal Water is allowed
  • Only authorized sporting equipment will be allowed
  • No Inappropriate Language or Attire
  • No street shoes. Participants must change into appropriate gym shoes.
  • No weapons or pets
    2. WORK HARD


ATF Athletix LLC is here to provide a premium player development/training service. Please review all Policies and Terms of Service. ATF Athletix reserves the right to cancel(training) or remove any participants with no refund if it is determined they are not compliant with our Policies and Terms of Service. Also, one may be canceled or removed with no refund if they are deemed to exhibit behavior that is inappropriate or unsafe by ATF Athletix.